Phone Attendance Instructions
If you join a meeting via phone...
Harry M
Last Update egy éve
Call in from the number that you provided to the organization hosting the meeting. If your number is recognized by the system, you will be automatically placed into the meeting with full privileges.
If your number is not recognized by the system, you will need to speak with an operator who will verify your ability to attend the meeting. You will not be able to speak or vote until after you have been verified.
Asking Questions by Phone
To raise your hand, please Press Star [*] on your keypad.
Wait to be transferred to an operator who will note your question and add you to the question queue. If you are selected to speak, please wait for the moderator to introduce you by name. Your mic will then be unmuted and you can speak to the meeting.
Voting by Phone
To vote, please choose the number on your keypad that corresponds with the option you'd like to select. The speaker will read out the options. Press # to confirm your vote.